Aerial View of the Mpala Jena Concession & the Zambezi River
Mpala Jena - located on the banks of the Zambezi River
Mpala Jena Main Area
Mpala Jena Swimming Pool overlooking the Zambezi River

Mpala Jena

Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe)


  • Aktivitäten für Adrenalin-Fans
  • Vogelbeobachtung
  • Bootsfahrten
  • Boot fahren
  • Kanufahren
  • Angeln
  • kinderfreundliche Aktivitäten
  • kulturelle Touren
  • Tierbeobachtung
  • zahlreiche Sehenswürdigkeiten


Darum geht´s:

Mpala Jena is a boutique safari camp positioned along the beautiful tree-laden banks of the Zambezi River. The camp epitomizes ‘barefoot luxury’ with playfully scalloped thatched roofs, soft sand floors and a beach bar overlooking the pool and river. A cool, calming colour palette compliments light natural textures and sets the scene for slow, in-the-moment living. Our tented guest suites, nestled in the shade of large Sausage and Jackalberry trees are generously appointed with a private deck and outdoor bath and shower.

The camp is located within the 56,000-hectare Zambezi National Park, home to an ever-increasing number of wildlife species that can be enjoyed on safari drives, boat cruises, walking trails or even while sipping cocktails from the swing chairs in camp.

Mpala Jena was created with a strong sustainability ethos and runs entirely off our solar plant and battery. Building materials and design elements were specified and sourced with a clear vision of minimizing embodied energy and transportation miles.

The camp is conveniently located 19 kilometres inside the Zambezi National Park, allowing easy access to Victoria Falls town by a 40-minute boat or road transfer. Mpala Jena also run guided tours of the Victoria Falls.

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Markus Leithold
Markus Leithold
Verkauf & Beratung Südliches Afrika

Auf meiner ersten Reise nach Namibia hat mich die Magie des südlichen Afrika direkt gepackt, ließen mich die smaragdgrünen Savannen und spektakulären Sanddünen nicht mehr los. Als frischgebackener Liebhaber der endlosen Weite verbrachte ich schließlich einige Monate als Gastgeber auf einer Lodge am Waterberg. Während ich dem Geschichtsstudium in Deutschlands Hörsälen lauschte, bin ich nicht nur gedanklich, sondern auch auf zahlreichen Erkundungstouren immer wieder ins südliche Afrika zurückgekehrt – ob als helfende Hand im Goethe-Institut in Windhoek, Freiwilliger bei der UNESCO in Lusaka oder beim Bummel über die Märkte von Lomé. Seit einigen Jahren gebe ich meine nicht zu verbergende Begeisterung für die enorme kulturelle Vielfalt und landschaftliche Schönheit Afrikas (ob mit oder ohne Tiere) gern auch an andere Weltenbummler weiter. Mehr


Guest Suite

The three guest tented suites are located on the banks of the Zambezi River with views of the river frontage. Each suite has en-suite bathroom facilities, indoor shower, separate loo and double basins. Decking in front of the tent leads to views of the calming and peaceful flowing waters of the Zambezi River.


Wildlife Drives

Open vehicle safari drives in Zambezi National Park. The camp has custom built Land cruisers specially designed for photography. With just four to six guests each, the vehicles are fully stocked with reference books, drinks and snacks.

Dhow cruise

Mpala Jena’s wooden dhow, brought from the Zanzibar coast to Zimbabwe, is available for guests to enjoy when on a sunrise cruise or late afternoon sunset sail along the Zambezi River. The journey is a relaxed way of experiencing one of Africa's most iconic rivers whilst under sail. Guests head upriver from Mpala Jena, returning with the flow of the river as it flows toward the Victoria Falls in the distance. A wide selection of beverages and snacks are provided on the dhow, based on the guest's preference.

If need be, there is an external motor available. This experience is a seasonal offering, dependent on the waters of the Zambezi River. Life jackets are supplied.


Mpala Jena Camp has it's own 8-seater aluminum hulled motor boat perfect for sun-downer cruises.

Guided Tour of Victoria Falls

During a two night stay, guests have the opportunity to enjoy a half-day guided excursion to the thunderous and impressive mass of falling water of the Victoria Falls.

Catch-and-Release Fishing

This is a great activity for the whole family. Catch-and-release fishing is done from a boat with a captain, on the Zambezi River.


Wir sind verpflichtet darauf hinzuweisen, dass diese Unterkunft im Allgemeinen für Personen mit eingeschränkter Mobilität nicht geeignet ist. Im Einzelfall sprechen Sie uns bitte an.